
The Academic Convocation is a key moment in our academic year and a signature event of our annual De La Salle Heritage Days.

The event honors the rich variety of gifts and experiences that make our own community the special place that it is, strives to deepen the College's Lasallian and Catholic heritage, and strengthens our role as a key collaborator in our worldwide Lasallian community. 我们的 2024 Academic Convocation took place on Wednesday, April 24, at 1  p.m. 在圣玛丽教堂. A special reception followed at the Soda Center.

This year’s 喇沙修士传统日 theme is “The Spirit of Community." 我们的 very special Academic Convocation honoree is a great contributor to our Lasallian mission: 威廉·曼弟兄,FSC, D.最小值.



威廉·曼弟兄,FSC, D.最小值. 在4月24日被授予荣誉, 2024 at the Academic Convocation and recognized for his exemplary leadership and service.

There are few individuals who have had a greater impact on the Lasallian international network than Brother William.

Br. 威廉一直是一个鼓舞人心的人, 接地, and visionary leader for Lasallian Catholic higher education in the United States as well as for all Lasallian ministries in the global Lasallian network for three decades; he continues to be actively engaged in promoting research as the chair of the AXIS Research Journal, helping to direct the International Association of Lasalle Universities Rome program, 在Buttimer Formation程序中教学, and launching new programs around topics of Lasallian spirituality and interiority.

他是土生土长的纽约人. William joined the De La Salle Christian Brothers in 1965. He began his career as an English and Religion teacher, working from 1970 to 1979 at two Christian Brother high schools in New York and Rhode Island. Brother William earned a BA in English Literature from The Catholic University of America, an MA in Liberal Studies and Literature from State University of New York at Stony Brook, an MA in Spirituality from Salve Regina University, and a Doctor of 最小值istry degree from Colgate Rochester Divinity School.

In addition to launching his career as a Lasallian teacher, Br. William held the post of directing Christian Brothers formation for the Long Island-New England Province and USA/Toronto Region. From 1990 to 1996, he was International Secretary of Formation in Rome. He also served as Delegate Superior for India and as Provincial for the District of Eastern North America. 2000年至2007年, 他曾担任该研究所的副总干事, the second highest ranking Christian Brother for the global Institute. Br. William served as president of Saint Mary’s University in 最小值nesota 2008–18, and as President of the International Association of Lasalle Universities 2015–18. He has served as a Trustee for Saint Mary’s College and all of the other United States Lasallian universities, 包括圣玛丽大学, 曼哈顿学院, 基督教兄弟大学, 拉萨尔大学, 和刘易斯大学.

In addition to his decades of service in key leadership roles, Br. William is a noted scholar and writer on the life of De La Salle, and has written and edited numerous publications examining his writings and putting them into context for Lasallian educators in today’s world. He continues to impact as teacher, administrator, trustee, mentor, editor, and global leader.

Convocation is the centerpiece of a weeklong celebration of the life of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, 教师的守护神, founder of the Christian Brothers and the College’s Lasallian heritage and mission. 过去的获奖人包括:

  • Joan Landeros,博士,AFSC董事会成员, International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) (参见2023年学术大会)
  • 欧内斯特·米勒弟兄,FSC, D最小值.,多元化使命副总裁 & 喇沙大学包容课程(读欧内斯特修士的毕业典礼致辞)
  • Brother James Gaffney, FSC, D最小值,  President Emeritus, Lewis University
  • Kevin Michael Nagle, Chair, Board of Trustees, Saint Mary's College, Moraga
  • Brother Louis DeThomasis, President Emeritus, Saint Mary's University of 最小值nesota
  • Dr. 卡梅丽塔我. Quebengco, Chancellor Emeritus and University Fellow at De 拉萨尔大学, Manila, Philippines
  • Brother Peter Bray, FSC, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem, University
  • Brother Thomas Johnson,FSC,  Director of the Novitiate for the Lasallian Region of North America.
  • 罗伯特·席勒修士,高级将军 
  • Brother Armin Altamirano Luistro, Secretary of Education Philippines 
  • Brother Alvaro Rodriquez Echeverria, Superior General
  • Brother Gustavo Ramirez Barba, Institute of the Brothers of the Christian 学校, General Councilor
  • Brother Augustine (Gus) Boquer,  President of De 拉萨尔大学-Dasmarinas, Philippines
  • Brother Carlos Gabriel Gomez-Restrepo, President of Universidad of de La Salle, Bogota, Colombia
  • Gery Short, Director of Education for the De La Salle Christian Brothers for the Western Province
  • Brother Jose Cervantes, founder of four universities in Mexico 
  • Brother Gerard Rummery, International formator
  • Brother Ed Siderwitz, founder of San Miguel and Catalyst schools in Chicago
  • Brother Vincent Malham, former President of Bethlehem University
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