


CPT is a type of work authorization that allows F-1 students to participate in an off-campus employment opportunity to gain work experience in a field related to their major.  CPT permits students to work during their program of study once they meet the eligibility requirements.  The 国际项目中心 can authorize international students for CPT, and there is no need to submit an application to United States Citizenship and Immigration 服务 (USCIS).


研究生 students are eligible for CPT if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • 在申请CPT时必须有有效的F-1身份
  • must have been in valid F-1 status for a full academic year at Saint Mary's, 除非学生的学术课程要求另有规定*
    • Saint Mary's defines one academic year as either 2 semesters or 3 quarters
  • must have a job offer letter for a position that is directly related to the field of study
  • 实习或实习经历必须获得学分
  • internship or practicum must be an integral part of the student's academic program
  • 必须有良好的学术成绩

*If a student's academic program requires them to work off campus before they have been in F-1 status for one academic year, the 国际项目中心 can authorize them to work off campus.  Students whose academic programs do not require an internship or practicum within the first year will need to wait at least one academic year before they are eligible for CPT authorization.


Students must apply for CPT before the add/drop deadline of the semester or quarter in which they intend to work.  Since students must always receive academic credit for the off-campus work experience, they must be able to enroll in a course during the same term that they will be working off campus.  The student must also secure a position that is directly related to their field before they apply for CPT with the 国际项目中心.  It is preferable that students apply at least 2 - 4 weeks before the start of a new semester or quarter. 



  • Talk about the off-campus opportunity that you're interested in and/or are interviewing for including the job description, 职责, 公司, title, 学习成果
  • Confirm the availability of an internship course or another credit-bearing course
  • Get the approval of the necessary director or advisor to pursue off-campus employment

Step 2: Secure a job offer for a position related to the academic program

  • To be eligible for CPT, students must always work in a field or a position related to their degree
  • 必须向国际项目中心提供工作邀请函吗

步骤3:填写CPT申请表 & 参加实习课程或学分课程

  • Must be completed and signed by the student and the Program Director or Academic Advisor
  • It is the student's responsibility to enroll in an internship course or other credit-bearing course
  • CPT申请表格

Step 4: Submit the completed CPT申请表格 and job offer letter to the 国际项目中心

  • Complete Section A of the form and forward it to the Program Director or Academic Advisor to complete Section B

Step 5: Collect your new I-20 with CPT authorization from the 国际项目中心

  • 没有新的CPT I-20就不能开始工作
  • CPT I-20作为校外工作的合法授权

应用程序 & 所需文件 

  • Completed and signed CPT申请表格 (with signatures from the student and Program Director or Academic Advisor)
  • 工作邀请函
  • Proof of enrollment in an internship course or some other credit-bearing course during the same term as the off-campus work experience


Students may begin working on their approved CPT start date as long as they have collected their new CPT I-20 from the 国际项目中心.  Students may not work unless they have the CPT I-20 in-hand as proof that they have been authorized to work off campus.

While working on CPT is it important for students to keep the following in mind:

  • CPT is employer specific - students can only work for the employer that is listed on their CPT I-20
  • Students can only work for their authorized employer for the duration of time listed on their CPT I-20
  • Students must report any changes in employment to the 国际项目中心


  • 兼职(每周20小时或以下)
  • 全职(每周21小时或以上)
  • 在学校休息期间(每周21小时或以上)

Students who accumulate one year (365 days/12 months) or more of full-time CPT authorization are ineligible for 选择性实习训练(OPT) upon graduation.  Part-time CPT authorization or less than one year of full-time CPT authorization will not impact a student's eligibility for OPT.


  • 定期受薪工作
  • 实习(带薪或无薪)
  • 实习(带薪或无薪)

即使学生的时间和工作没有得到报酬, they will still need approval from the 国际项目中心 to work off campus.  Working for an organization without receiving pay can be considered an unpaid internship which still requires the student to secure work authorization before engaging in the opportunity.


  • 保存一份完整的CPT申请表
  • Students must maintain full-time enrollment during their CPT authorization period
  • CPT每次授权一届
  • Keep a copy of all job-related materials as proof of employment and proper work authorization
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